Resources Video

Authentication Cracking: 4-Way Handshake Crack

Excerpt From Wi-Fi Vulnerabilities Part 2 webinar
Find Out More on Authentication Cracking: 4-Way Handshake Crack by CTO Dr. Brett Walkenhorst
CTO, Dr. Brett Walkenhorst, discusses how weak passwords can be exploited by offline dictionary attacks and how WPA personal networks can be compromised by using the 4-way handshake approach, along with the cryptographic components of this procedure. By emphasizing how easy it is to crack a shared secret on a personal network, as opposed to how difficult it is to crack enterprise credentials, the 4-way handshake method sets personal networks apart from enterprise networks. Even with cryptographic safeguards in place, adversaries can effectively guess passwords from a dictionary if they have access to sufficient processing power due to the meticulous process of generating keys and confirming integrity. The video below offers information on the attacker’s strategy and methods to protect attacks from happening.

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