Bastille and the SECDEF Memo

Excerpt From SECDEF Memo – Impacts on SCIF/SAPF Security Webinar

Learn More Below About the Bastille SECDEF Memo

The significance of this memo, which mandates that all DoD components install electronic device detection systems and mitigation mechanisms in SCIFs and SAPFs by September 30th, 2024, is explained by CTO Dr. Brett Walkenhorst in the video below. Bastille is a passive system that only listens and does not transmit information. Its key capabilities are the ability to construct allow lists for approved devices, constant and complete detection and location of wireless protocols, and this ability. Bastille is the only NIAP common criteria certified solution, so it is well-positioned to handle these issues.

Bastille and the SECDEF Memo — Bastille — Bastille

For more on THe SECDEF Memo of June 30, 2023:

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