Resources Webinar

Cellular, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, IoT Spyware and Vulnerabilities Update 2021


Cellphone Spyware and Vulnerabilities Update
In this webinar Dr. Bob Baxley, CTO and head of the Bastille Threat Research Team explains how hackers use the Pegasus cellphone spyware and other vulnerabilities to bypass your security, gain access to your systems, and exfiltrate data and voice information. Dr. Baxley will also review the latest RF vulnerabilities presented at Black Hat and DEF CON.

While the news about Pegasus Spyware focused on the individuals whose phones were hacked, the real story is the organizational secrets that were revealed because innocent people carried spy devices (their phones) into classified conversations.

The latest spyware versions send a message to the phone that the user never sees. It arrives with no notification and gives itself its own permission to install the spyware without the user’s knowledge – meaning any employee no matter how loyal or security conscious can be a vehicle for carrying spyware into your most secret facilities and meeting rooms.

This is why enterprises and government agencies must not simply brush this off as a “it couldn’t happen here” scenario. It can happen anywhere!

Even worse “Turning off your phone” won’t work. Modern cell phones are never really off. They are in different states of hibernation and spyware can wake them up when it wants. What’s the fix? Sadly, the only answer is to keep cell phones out of your most classified meetings, which is where Bastille can help.


Dr. Bob Baxley, CTO and co-founder, Bastille (bio here). Prior to Bastille, Bob was the Director of the Software Defined Radio Lab at Georgia Tech, where he led basic and applied research projects for organizations including NSF, ONR, Army, DoD, Air Force, and DARPA.

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