Archives: Resources

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Most pressing risks facing organizations
Top wireless exposures for businesses
Examples of wireless intrusions in business
Where is law enforcement (including FBI, DHS, State Police, local) in terms of understanding wireless risk and wireless attack vectors when investigating crimes
Where is business in understanding wireless risk
Mitigating information security risks to businesses: most effective steps
Mitigating wireless risks to businesses: most effective steps businesses can take

Wireless MD: Addressing Wireless & RF Risk in Clinical Settings


Security risks in hospitals from RF device vulnerabilities

Recent attacks on hospital IT systems

How to find unauthorized or poorly configured wireless devices in hospitals

Lessons learned from “IoT insecurity” such as Mirai, Brickerbot attacks

Examples of medical device vulnerabilities:

Insulin pumps


Wireless MD: Addressing Wireless & RF Risk in Clinical Settings


Security risks in hospitals from RF device vulnerabilities

Recent attacks on hospital IT systems

How to find unauthorized or poorly configured wireless devices in hospitals

Lessons learned from “IoT insecurity” such as Mirai, Brickerbot attacks

Examples of medical device vulnerabilities:

Insulin pumps


Top IoT Attacks of 2016


Review the top IoT attacks of 2016
How these attacks were executed
What the implications of these attacks are for the Enterprise
The best strategies for mitigating these threats in 2017

Who let the IoT in?


DDoS / Dyn Attack
Internet of Radios Security Issues
Enterprise Security

Introduction to the Security for the Internet of Things

The proliferation of mobile devices, cheap radio sensors with microphones, cameras and transmitters means that Enterprise Airspace is under constant threat from a new generation of Internet connected devices. Data exfiltration whether by accident or on purpose has never been easier.

As the number of Internet connected devices grows to more than 50 billion, the Internet of Things will provide an unprecedented expansion of new threat vectors and Enterprise firms need to be able to respond.

You can learn more about BYOD, Mobile and IoT Security with Mike Engle, co-founder of Bastille Networks.


Internet of Things: Think security headache

How do software defined radios come into play?

What does the IoT mean for enterprise security?

MouseJack: A connected device threat today

What can you do to secure your airspace?

Use Cases

Case Study: Datacenter