Archives: Resources

Bastille Threat Research – BlackHat and DEF CON 2023 Summary

The RF landscape is continually evolving, from cellular and Bluetooth to Wi-Fi and IoT. This whitepaper summarizes the research that Bastille presented at Blackhat and DefCon in 2023, covering various Wireless Airspace Defense topics on securing wireless devices.

Bastille Threat Research – Internet of Things RF Vulnerabilities

Radio-frequency (RF) devices help automate our work and personal lives. From RF-enabled TV remote controls to wireless mice, keyboards, lights, and building control systems, radios offer convenient wireless communications. Learn about the latest IoT RF threats that affect billions of devices, their users, and the organizations that they are connected to and depend upon.

Bastille Enterprise

As a Wireless Airspace Defense solution provider, Bastille allows corporations and agencies to discover, locate, and mitigate radio-borne threats to their assets, facilities, and networks. This Enterprise Brochure explains the capabilities Bastille provides to implement your Wireless Airspace Defense.

Bastille Public Sector

Bastille’s real-time Cellular, Bluetooth, BLE, and Wi-Fi detection and location system locates all authorized and unauthorized devices within a campus or forward deployed location. Learn how Bastille’s Wireless Airspace Defense solution enhances security for the Public Sector.

Bastille FlyAway Kit

The Bastille FlyAway Kit offers a portable and rapid set-up solution for temporary and forward-deployed locations with up to 5000 sq. ft. of unobstructed coverage. This brochure details the kit’s capabilities and the equipment it comes with for all your temporary monitoring needs.

Top Wireless Threats

Bastille provides Wireless Airspace Defense for organizations, enhancing security with detection and visibility for wireless threats. This handy reference sheet highlights the top wireless threats facing your organization.


Learn how Bastille’s Wireless Airspace Defense solution provides continuous Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) to combat wireless threats, why it’s better than point-in-time sweeps with its continuous detection and location tracking, and where it fits in your security strategy.

Cloud Infrastructure Wireless Security

Protecting data centers and Cloud infrastructure requires more than the physical and Wi-Fi protections most facilities employ. Learn how Bastille enhances security for these facilities with its Wireless Airspace Defense solution, which covers all wireless communications protocols in use today.

Classified Areas

Securing classified areas and Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs) requires a suite of security tools, protocols, and personnel working together. Learn how Bastille’s Wireless Airspace Defense solution is a critical part of any strategy for securing sensitive or classified information.