Resources Webinar

Enforcing Device Policy with 24/7 Detection, Location, and Alerting

It’s a wireless world. Every agency has a Radio Frequency (RF) device policy. But policies without effective enforcement don’t work. In order to accomplish the mission, legitimate employees are carrying devices such as cell phones, wearables, smart watches, wireless cameras, tablets, hearing aids with BT or Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Headsets.

Old “no devices anywhere” policies have stopped working. Security officers need to be able to exclude all wireless and cellular devices from some indoor spaces and allow authorized devices in other spaces. Or allow a device in until it misbehaves by connecting outside the secure space.

In this webinar we detail three customer use cases from Defense and Civilian Agencies including how they:

Enforce adaptable RF device policy

Geo-fence sensitive areas and alert if/when they are breached

Accurately locate known and unknown cell phones with or without Mobile Device Management (MDM)

Alert when approved devices violate policy

Detect and locate rogue devices

Integrate RF security solutions with their existing infrastructure (e.g. Splunk, Aruba, Cisco, AirWatch, PagerDuty)


Dr. Bob Baxley, Chief Engineer at Bastille and former Director of the Software Defined Radio Lab at Georgia Tech


George Seffers, Director, Content Development and Executive Editor at SIGNAL Magazine.

PLUS See Demos of the Bastille system detecting Cell phones and Bluetooth devices.

We’d love to show you around

Learn how Bastille can help you prepare you for today’s ever-growing wireless threat landscape, and schedule a demo and we’ll be in touch shortly.