KeySniffer Affected Devices

KeySniffer affected devices include keyboards from:

  • Anker
  • EagleTec
  • General Electric
  • Hewlett-Packard
  • Insignia
  • Kensington
  • Radio Shack
  • Toshiba
VendorAffected DevicesAdvisoryVendor Response
AnkerAnker Ultra Slim 2.4GHz Wireless Compact Keyboard
Anker USB dongle (USB ID 062a:4101)
Open GitHubAnker Response
EagleTecEagleTec K104 / KS04 2.4 GHz Wireless Combo keyboard
EagleTec USB dongle (USB ID 062a:4101)
Open GitHub
General ElectricGE 98614 wireless keyboard
GE 98614 USB dongle (USB ID 05b8:3245)
Open GitHubGE Response
HPHP Wireless Classic Desktop wireless keyboard
HP Wireless Classic USB dongle (USB ID 3938:1032)
Open GitHub
InsigniaWireless Keyboard NS-PNC5011
USB dongle (USB ID 3938:1032)
Open GitHub
KensingtonKensington ProFit Wireless Keyboard
Kensington USB dongle (USB ID 062a:4101)
Open GitHubKensington Response
Radio ShackRadioShack Slim 2.4GHz Wireless Keyboard
RadioShack USB dongle (USB ID 062a:4101)
Open GitHub
ToshibaToshiba PA3871U-1ETB wireless keyboard
Toshiba PA3844D USB dongle (USB ID 0458:00ce)
Open GitHub

Please note: we have tested the above products, but this should not be considered an exhaustive list of all vulnerable keyboards. There may be other brands/models that are vulnerable to this, or other attacks. Please sign up for alerts to be notified as new information comes to light.

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