January 7, 2020

U.S. Air Force Awards SBIR Phase I to Bastille Networks

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. – January 7, 2020 – Bastille, the leader in enterprise threat detection through software-defined radio, has just secured its first AFWERX Phase I contract.  

During the Phase I contract, Bastille will search for applicable use cases of its Software-Defined Radio system that provides accurate detection, location and alerting on Cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy devices within the Air Force and Department of Defense (DoD) buildings and forward deployed locations. 

Possible use cases could include securing SCIFs from wireless intrusion, monitoring for unauthorized cell phone activity in “no cell phone” locations and detecting wearables such as human performance measurement bluetooth and BLE devices. 

Dr. Bob Baxley, CTO, Bastille comments “We are impressed with the AFWERX program and commitment to innovation for the Air Force. We look forward to assisting the Air Force with our solutions for Real-Time 24×7 detection and location of Cell Phones, Wearables and other devices that may have ended up in places they should not be in Air Force buildings with restricted areas and secure facilities.”

AFWERX partners with SBIR to shorten the SBIR timelines and provide opportunities to ‘non-traditional’ companies. In the words of the AFWERX team, “many mind-blowing ideas are being birthed in U.S. startup companies. In order to capture these ideas, the Air Force must do business at the speed of innovation; inspiring and accelerating startup creativity toward national security challenges.” 


AFWERX is an innovation arm of the U.S. Air Force that was established in 2017. Its focus is to provide non-traditional innovators the opportunity to solve challenges and increase effectiveness within the Air Force. AFWERX has partnered with the U.S. Air Force SBIR with a start-up approach. They have accelerated timelines and processes to quickly scale innovation within the DOD. For more information on AFWERX, please visit www.afwerx.af.mil.

About Bastille

Bastille is the leader in enterprise threat detection through software-defined radio. Bastille provides full visibility into the known and unknown mobile, wireless and Internet of Things devices inside an enterprise’s corporate airspace–together known as the Internet of Radios. Through its patented software-defined radio and machine learning technology, Bastille senses, identifies and localizes threats, providing security teams the ability to accurately quantify risk and mitigate airborne threats that could pose a danger to network infrastructure. For more information on Bastille, visit bastille.net and follow on Twitter @bastillenet and LinkedIn.


Noe Sacoco 
Sacoco PR 

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