Wi-Fi Snippets
- Authentication Cracking: 4-Way Handshake Crack
- Authentication Cracking: EAP Relay Attack
- Authentication Cracking: Overview
- Authentication Cracking: PMKID
- Authentication Cracking: WPS
- Client Attacks: Captive Portal
- Client Attacks: DNS & ARP Poisoning
- Client Attacks: JS Injection
- Client Attacks: NetNTLM Hash Stealing
- EAP-PEAP Handshake
- Wi-Fi Handshaking (Enterprise Networks)
- Hacker Devices: Wi-Fi Pineapple
- Hacker Devices: Wi-Fi Coconut
- Hacker Devices: Wi-Fi USB Rubber Ducky
- Hacker Devices: O.MG Charging Cable
- Wi-Fi Handshaking (PSK Personal Networks)
- Known Beacons
- Rogue AP/Evil Twin Overview
- Captive Portal
- Wi-Fi Monitoring Overview
- WiGLE Database
- Defining the Wireless Security Problem
- Wi-Fi Handshaking
- Denial of Service (DoS)
Excerpt From wi-fi vulnerabilities part 1 Webinar
Find Out More About Wi-Fi Monitoring from CTO Dr. Brett Walkenhorst.
In the video, CTO Dr. Brett Walkenhorst discusses the threat category of monitoring in Wi-Fi networks, explaining how attackers can gather information from openly available packets, including beacons, probe requests, and four-way handshake packets. Learn more below on the vulnerabilities of open networks and poorly configured networks to eavesdropping attacks.
Wi-Fi Monitoring Overview — Bastille